Bank Note Press, Dewas (M.P.) invites Online applications -135 post

BANK NOTE PRESS, DEWAs (M.P.) 455001(IS0:9001:2015&IS0: 14001:2015 Certified Unit)
Bank Note Press, Dewas (M.P.) invites Online applications from Indian Nationals for filling up the various Posts of Dewas Unit as per details given below:
Name of Organization- Bank Note Press, Dewas (M.P.) invites Online applications

Total post - 135

Name of the Post :-
1. Welfare Officer -01 
2.  Supervisor (Ink Factory)- 01
3. Supervisor (Information Technology) - 01
4 . Junior Office Assistant - 15
5. Junior Technician (ink Factory) -60
6. Junior Technician (Printing)- 23 
7. Junior Technician-(Electrical /IT) - 15
8. Junior Technican (Mechanical AC) -15
Applications are also invited for filling-up the following vacancies for
India Government Mint, Noida (One of the nine Units under SPMCIL):

9. Secretarial Assistant - 01
Pay scale -INR (23910-85570)/-
(Level - B4)
10. Junior Office Assistant -03 
Pay scale - INR(21540-77160)/- (Level B-4)
Upper age limits -28 years
Educational Qualification :-
Welfare Officer-
1. Possesses a degree of a University recognized by the State Government in this behalf
2. Has obtain a Degree or Diploma in Social Science from any institution recognized by the State Government|
in this behalf
3. Has adequate knowledge of Hindi
as also of the language spoken by the majority or the Workers in the factory to which he is to be attached.
Ink Factory:-
First class full time Diploma in Dyestuf Technology/PaintTechnology
/ Surface Coating Technology/ Printing Ink Technology/Printing Technology. Higher qualification i.e.
B.Tech./ B.E./ B.Sc. (Engg.) in the relevant trade will also be considered.OR Full Time B.Sc. in Chemistry.
Supervisor (information Technology)
Essential: First dlass full time Diploma in Engineering in the
TIComputer Engineering. Higher qualification i.e. B.TechB.E ,B.Sc. Engg. in the "relevant trade will also be considered.

Junior Office Assistant:- 
Essential: Graduate with at least 55% marks and computer knowledge with typing speed on computer in English @40 wpm Hindi @30 wpm, as per the requirement
Junior Technician:-
Full time I certficate in Dyestuff Technology Paint Technology/ Surface Coating Technology/ Printing Ink Technology Printing Technology alongwith one year NAC cerificate from NCVT.
Junior Technician(INK Factory):-
Full ime ITl certficate in Printing Trade viz. Litho Ofset Machine Minder, Letter Press Machine Minder, Offset Printing Plate making, Electroplating, Hand Composing, Plate-maker cum
Impositer alongwith one year NAC certficate from NCVT.
Junior Technician Essential:
(Ink Factory)
 Full time ITI certificate in Electical, Electroics alongwith
(Printing)/(Electrical/IT)one year NAC certificate from NCVT.
Junior Technician Essential:
Full time ITI certificate in Fitter, Machinist Turner,(Mechanical /AC) Instrument Mechanic, Mechanic Motor Vehicle alongwith one year
NAC certificate from NCVT

Secretarial Assistant:- 
ESsential: Graduate with at least 55% maks, Computer Knowledge,|
Stenography in English or Hindi@ 80 wpm and Typing @English or Hindi. Desirable: Proficiency in Secretarial job 2021
Important dates- 
*Applying Online applications- 12.05.2021
*last date of application - 11.06.2021
* Payment of fees in online mode
Tentative date of Stenography Test & Typing Test on computer:-  July / August 2021
*Tentative date of Onlin examination:
- July /August 2021
Important link
Download notification -click Here
Apply online - click Here

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