HPCL Electrical Engineer 16th August Question Answer 2021

Section : English Language

Q1. Choose the sentence which is grammatically correct?
1. many tourists go to Goa in winters✔️
2. many Goa go to tourists in winters
3. many tourists go to winters in Goa
4. in many winters tourists go to Goa

Q.2 Choose the correct preposition. You must cover your face ________ a mask when you step out.
1. in
2. through
3.. with✔️
4. Of

Q.3 Which pair of conjunctions can be used for this sentence?

_____________ it rains, the weather will remain hot.
1. from
2. so
3. whereas
4. Unless✔️

Q.4 Choose the most appropriate option to complete the sentence.

Messages are passed _______ the brain and rest of the body through the spinal cord.
1. with
2. at
3. between✔️
4. Among

Q.5 Choose the appropriate words to complete the phrase. Very soon, I am going to run ____________ money.
1. Short for
2. short of✔️
3. Short to
4. Short in

Q.6 Pick the most appropriate synonym of:

1. minor
2. Basic✔️
3. advanced
4. transparent

Q.7 Select the misspelt word.
1. mischief
2. friend
3. Vein
4. Sliegh✔️

Q.8 Pick the most appropriate synonym of:
1. appreciate
2. Cherish
3. hate✔️
4. Condone

Q.9 Choose the word which can be used in place of the words underlined.

I avoid lifts because of my fear of closed and confined spaces.
1. Claustrophobia✔️
2. Xenophobia
3. Cynophobia
4. Acrophobia

Q.10 Select the most appropriate option to complete the sentence.

This is ______ car and you should park it over _______.
1. There, their
2. Their, there✔️
3. There, there
4. Their, their

Q.11 Select the most appropriate option to complete the sentence. I have ____________ homework to do than my sister.
1. Least
2. Less✔️
3. More less
4. Little

Q.12 Select the misspelt word.
1. Decorator
2. mentor
3. Janiter ✔️
4. Calendar

Q.13 Which part of the sentence contains an error?

I did not want India to loose the match that day.
1. I did not
2. that day
3. loose the match✔️
4. want India to

Q.14 Which part of the sentence contains an error?

Each and every person attending the meeting want to give a feedback.
1. attending the meeting
2. give a feedback
3. Each and every person
4. want to ✔️

Q.15 Pick the most appropriate antonym of:

1. boon
2. godsend
3. Grace
4. blight ✔️

Q.16 Fill in the blank using the most appropriate phrase.

Apple company keeps ___________ new models of phones in the global market every now and then.
1. Bringing with
2. Bringing out✔️
3. Bringing down
4. Bringing off

Q.17 Select the most appropriate option to complete the sentence.

My mother _______ in 1990.
1. Was being graduated
2. Had being graduated
3. Has had graduated
4. Graduated✔️

Section : Quantitative Aptitude

Q1. Total monthly salary of A and B is Rs. 73500. If A gets 80 percent more than B, then how much (in Rs.) is A paid monthly?
1. 47250 ✔️
2. 26250
3. 66150
4. 52000


1. 16.02 ✔️
2. 16.55
3. 16.04
4. 160.2

Q.3 Sum of two numbers is 53. If the numbers differ by 7, then what is the product of these two numbers?
1. 690✔️
2. 638
3. 744
4. 696

Q.4 Six men can do a work in 6 days. How many days will 4 men take to do one-third of the work?
1. 3/2
2. 2
3. 3✔️
4. 5/2

Q.5 If p=4 and q=3 , find the value  of (2p - 3q )^(2p-q) / ( 3p - 2q )^( p - q)
1. - 5/36
2. 36
3. 5/12
4. - 36✔️

Q.6 The average monthly salary of a group of 15 persons is Rs. 62500. Three new persons join the group whose monthly salaries are Rs. 2000, Rs. 1200 and Rs. 1300 respectively more than the average salary of the initial group. What is the average monthly salary of the new group (in Rs.)?
1. 63700
2. 63800
3. 62750✔️
4. 64500

Q.7 the selling price of an article is 5/8 times of its cost price . Find the profit percentage
1. 45
2. 65
3. 55
4. 60✔️

Q.8 A trader usually sells his goods at 40 percent profit. However, during off season, he reduces his selling price by 20 percent. What is his reduced profit percentage?
1. 16
2. 18
3. 15
4. 12✔️

Q.9 The average weight of some students in a group is 42 kg. If 8 students having average weight 44 kg leave the group and 3 students having average weight 48.25 kg join the group, the average weight of the new group is 50 g more than that of the original group. How many students were there in the group initially?
1. 58
2. 54
3. 60✔️
4. 55

Q.10 A 250 m long train crosses a platform of equal length as of the train in 30 seconds. What is the speed of the train in km/h?
1. 50
2. 60✔️
3. 54
4. 30

Q.11 Sumit borrowed certain sum on simple interest at 6 percent per annum for the first 1st year, at 7 percent for the next 2 years, at 8 percent for the next 3 years and at 10 percent for the period beyond 6 years. If he pays Rs. 3200 as total interest at the end of 8 years, then what was the sum (in Rs.) that he borrowed?
1. 4800
2. 5200
3. 4850
4. 5000✔️

Q.12 Sum of the squares of two natural numbers is 97. If numbers differ by 5, then what is the positive difference in their squares?
1. 85
2. 65✔️
3. 55
4. 75

Q.13 if two number are in the ratio 1/4 : 1/5 then by what percentage is the second number less than the first number
1. 28
2. 30
3. 25
4. 20


1. 3.75/143
2. 9.27/143
3. 216/1001
4. 72/1001✔️

Q.15 Two trains take 2 minutes to cross each other when running in the same direction. They take 30 seconds to cross each other when running in opposite directions. Find the ratio of the speed of the faster train to that of the slower train.
1. 5:4
2. 5:3✔️
3. 3:2
4. 4:3

Q.16 Curve surface area and volume of a cylinder are 3168 sq. cm and 22176 cu. cm. what is the height of the cylinder (in cm )
1. 32.5
2. 36✔️
3. 32
4. 34


1. 10000
2. 17000
3. 14000✔️
4. 24000

1. 40 - 3x
2. 32 - 3x✔️
3. 40 + 3x
4. 34 - 3x

Q.19 surface the reciprocal of the product of the number 7/3,6/5,3/8,9/7,30/7,9 from 1/5
1. 27/5
2. 5/27✔️
3. -67.3/10
4. 2/135

Q.20 The average of 32 numbers is 29. If two numbers 24 and 16 are removed, then what is the average of the remaining numbers?
1. 29.6✔️
2. 29
3. 27
4. 29.8

Q.21 On a certain sum, difference between the interests when interest is compounded 4-monthly and when compounded semi-annually at 12 percent per annum in 1 year is Rs. 632. What is the sum (in Rs.)?
1. 520000
2. 480000
3. 505000
4. 500000✔️

Q.22 A sum of Rs. 64800 was invested by Ramesh and Karan together to start a small business. They earned a profit of Rs. 13500 at the end of the year. Ramesh received Rs. 7500 as his share in the profit. If profit was divided in the ratio of the sums invested, how much money (in Rs.) was invested by Karan?
1. 28000
2. 28800✔️
3. 36000
4. 32400

Q.23 Find the smallest number which when divided by 8, 7 and 6 leave remainders 6, 5 and 4 respectively.
1. 162
2. 166✔️
3. 170
4. 163

Q.24 A can do a work in 8 days working 10 hours a day. B can do the same work in 10 days working 7 hours a day. How many days will they take to complete the work if they work together for 8 hours a day?
1. 17/4
2. 4
3. 14/4✔️
4. 22/5

Q.25 A wall with dimensions 30 m ⨯ 0.4 m ⨯ 4 m is built with bricks of dimensions 25 cm ⨯ 16 cm ⨯ 10 cm. If one-eighth of the wall is mortar, then what is the cost of bricks used (in Rs.) at the rate of Rs. 6 per brick?
1. 62000
2. 63000✔️
3. 52500
4. 60000


1. 25750
2. 26100
3. 25200
4. 26000✔️

Q.27 if x^4 - 1 = 2400 , y^4 + 1 = 4097 , x,y>0 find the value of y^3 - x^3
1. 195
2. 855
3. 15
4. 169✔️

Q.28 A can do a work in 6 days, B and C working together can do it in 4 days, A and C working together can do it in 3 days. In how many days B alone can do the work?
1. 14
2. 12✔️
3. 10
4. 13

Q.29 Length and breadth of a rectangle are 5 cm and 3 cm. What is the area of that square (in sq. cm) which has the perimeter same as that of the rectangle?
1. 9
2. 16✔️
3. 10.24
4. 12.25

Q.30 How many numbers are there between 20 and 50 which are divisible by 3 or have 3 as its digit?
1. 16
2. 11
3. 18✔️
4. 10

Q.31 Sunayana spent 0.05 part of her savings in Stocks, 0.4 part in Fixed Deposits, 0.4 part amounting to Rs. 36000 in gold ornaments and remaining she kept as cash. How much cash (in Rs.) has she kept?
1. 13500✔️
2. 13850
3. 13000
4. 12745

Q.32 2 अंकों वाली एक संख्या के अंकों का योग 7 है। यदि अंकों को आपस में बदलने पर प्राप्त संख्या मूल संख्या से 9 अधिक है, तो संख्या के अंकों के वर्गों का योग क्या है?
1. 49
2. 37
3. 25✔️
4. 29

Q.33 एक डिब्बे में 50 लड्डू हैं। 600 लड्डुओं के लिए कितने डिब्बों की आवश्यकता होगी?
1. 12 ✔️
2. 15
3. 10
4. 11

Q.34 एक दुकानदार 25 प्रतिशत छूट देने के बाद 25 प्रतिशत का लाभ अर्जित करता है। यदि वह केवल 16 प्रतिशत छूट देता है तो उसका लाभ प्रतिशत ज्ञात कीजिए।
1. 32
2. 42
3. 40 ✔️
4. 28.8/7

Section : Intellectual Potential Test


1. 56
2. 40 ✔️
3. 21
4. 36





1. C
2. B
3. D ✔️
4. A

Q.4 Select the option that is similar to the pair given below:

Car : Garage
1. Auto rickshaw : Footpath
2.. Train : Yard✔️
3. Bus : Shore
4. Aeroplane : Airport

Q.5 Select the option that is related to the third term in the same way as the second term is related to the first term.

Cow : Calf :: Lion : ?
1.. Cub✔️
2. Simba
3. Lioness
4. Puppy


1. 8
2. 12
3. 9✔️
4. 14

Q.7 Select the number that will replace the blanks (____) and complete the number series correctly.

3, 7, 13, 31, 43, 57, ?
1.. 73✔️
2. 64
3. 63
4. 72

Q.8 Select the option that is related to the third term in the same way as the second term is related to the first term.

Zoology : Animals :: Ornithology : ?
1. Virus
2. Plants
3.. Birds✔️
4. Snakes

Q.9 Three out of the following four options share a similarity. Select the option that is different from the others.
1. Six
2. Ten
3. One✔️
4. Two

Q.10 In a code language, BED is coded as 254; GAB is coded as 712; and HID is coded as 894. Then, how would FIG be coded in that language?
1. 687
2.. 697✔️
3. 798
4. 677

Q.11 In a code language, MAP is coded as LBQ; PEN is coded as OFO; and NOT is coded as MPU. Then, how would TUB be coded in that language?
1. SWC
2. STC
3. TVC
4., SVC✔️

Q.12 Select the option that is related to the third term in the same way as the second term is related to the first term.

AK : CM :: HR : ?
1. KT
2. PM
3.. JT✔️
4. JS

Q.13 मैरी और लिली बहनें हैं। डेविड, मैरी का बेटा है। पैट्रीसिया, डेविड की इकलौती बेटी है। मैरी का पैट्रीसिया से क्‍या संबंध है?
1. पोती
2. माँ
3. बेटी
4.. दादी✔️

Q.14 Select the option that is related to the third term in the same way as the second term is related to the first term.

27 : 256 : : 3125 : ?
1. 46656✔️
2. 259824
3. 7776
4. 279936

Q.15 Select the option that is similar to the key word given below:

1. Bear
2. Fox
3.. Tiger✔️
4. Rhinoceros


1. ✔️


17 What is the difference between the place value and the face value of 6 in 756954?
1. 994
2.. 5994✔️
3. 594
4. 5694

Q.18 The sum of two numbers is 99; and their difference is 27. Which is the smaller number among them?
1. 63
2. 27
3.. 36✔️
4. 72

Q.19 Select the number that will come next in the number series.

2, 3, 6, 11, 18, ?
1. 30
2.. 27✔️
3. 21
4. 24

Q.20 Select the option that is similar to the pair given below:

Car : Formula One
1. Leisure biking : Motorcycle
2. Boat : Yacht
3.. Horse : Derby✔️
4. World Cup : Bicycle

Q.21 Three out of the following four options share a similarity. Select the option that is different from the others.

Q.22 Select the option that is related to the third term in the same way as the second term is related to the first term.

25 : 49 :: 121 : ?
1. 122
2.. 169✔️
3. 144
4. 196


1. 17
2. 22
3. 21✔️
4. 13

Q.24 In a code language, mango is called milk; milk is called tomato; tomato is called kiwi; and kiwi is called beet. Then, which one of the following will definitely be white in colour?
1. Beet
2. Kiwi
3.. Tomato✔️
4. Mango

Q.25 If x is the sum of the smallest and the largest 2-digit prime numbers, what is the value of x?
1. 99
2. 112
3. 108✔️
4. 102

Q.26 Select the option that is similar to the key word given below:

1. Turnip
2.. Litchee✔️
3. Rose
4. Garlic

Q.27 In a code language, TRAIN is coded as SSCLM; PLEAD is coded as OMGDC; and STOCK is coded as RUQFJ. Then, how would WHOLE be coded in that language?
1.VIQOD ✔️

Q.28 Maya is Babu's wife. Jaya and Daya are siblings. Ajay is Daya's husband's brother. Sujay is Babu's son and Ajay's only brother. How is Daya related to Maya?
1.Daughter-in-law ✔️
2. Daughter
3. Sister-in-law
4. Mother-in-law

Q.29 Three out of the following four options share a similarity. Select the option that is different from the others.
1. Thames : River
2.. Sahara : Plateau✔️
3. Atlantic : Ocean
4. Andes : Mountain Range

Q.30 Select the number that will come next in the number series.

3, 5, 8, 10, 13, 15, ?
1. 20
2.. 18✔️
3. 19
4. 17

Q.31 If x% of x is 49, what is the value of x?
 1. 77
2. 60
3. 51
4.. 70✔️


1. 24
2. 20
3. 19
4. 23✔️

Q.33 Neel is Deepa's only brother. Heera is Neel's mother. Anuj is Heera's only son-in-law. How is Anuj related to Neel?
1. Brother
2.. Sister's husband✔️
3. Wife's brother
4. Father-in-law

Q.34 Select the option that is related to the third term in the same way as the second term is related to the first term.

Hillock : Mountain :: Sea : ?
1.. Ocean ✔️
2. Bay
3. Lagoon
4. Lake

 Domain Knowledge

Q.1 With reference to the divergence, which of the following statement is WRONG?
1. Divergence of a scalar has no meaning
2... Divergence of a vector is a vector quantity ✔️
3. Divergence operation can be represented by del operator
4. Expressions for divergence in different co-ordinate systems are different

Q.2 For a 3-phase semiconverter, if the firing angle for thyristor is 90°, the free-wheeling diode will conduct for a period of _____________.
1. 90°
2. 0°
3.. 30° ✔️
4. 120°

Q.3 A 0 to 200 V voltmeter has a guaranteed accuracy of 0.5 percent of full scale deflection. The voltage measured by the instrument is 50 V. Find the limiting error.
1.. 2 percent ✔️
2. 0.25 percent
3. 0.5 percent
4. 1 percent

Q.4 The breakaway points of the root-loci of a polynomial equation can occur
1.. Anywhere on the complex plane ✔️
2. On imaginary axis only
3. At origin only
4. On real axis only

Q.5 A single phase full bridge inverter has a supply voltage of 100 V dc. What will be the peak reverse blocking voltage of each thyristor?
1. 50 V
2. 400 V
3. 200 V
4.. 100 V ✔️

Q.6 Which of the following condition must be satisfied to measure the power delivered to a 3-phase load, using only 2 wattmeters?
1.. Load must be connected to the source through 3-wires ✔️
2. Load must be balanced
3. Load must be unbalanced
4. Load must be connected to the source through 4-wires

Q.7 Which of the following statement is WRONG when underground cables are compared with overhead lines?
1. For long distance transmission, overhead lines are used
2. Underground cables give greater safety to the public
3. The conductor in overhead lines are less expensive
4.. The erection cost of overhead line is much higher ✔️

Q.8 Amplitude of antisymmetric signal is ____________ at the origin.
1. Either positive or negative but not zero
2. Always negative
3. Always positive
4.. Always zero ✔️

Q.9 for transistor bita dc = 49 . find the value of alpha
1. 0.99
2.. 0.98 ✔️
3. 0.9
4. 0.09

Q.10 A single-phase transformer has 200 primary and 700 secondary turns. If the primary voltage is 100 V, find the secondary voltage.
1. 28.5 V
2. 175 V
3. 700 V
4.. 350 V ✔️

Q.11 In an oil circuit breaker, due to heat the oil decomposes and the gases are liberated. Which of the following gas is usually NOT liberated in this process?
1. Methane
2.. Ammonia ✔️
3. Acetylene
4. Hydrogen

Q.12 In induction type energy meter, __________ error is caused due to over compensation for friction.
1. Phase angle error
2. Breaking error
3.. Creeping ✔️
4. Phantom loading

Q.13 find the cofficient of coupling for two coils having L1=2H, L2=8H , M= 4H
1.. 1.0 ✔️
2. 0.5
3. 0.75
4. 0.25

Q.14 A power plant has the annual factors given as: load factor = 70 percent, Capacity factor = 50 percent, Use factor = 60 percent. If maximum demand is 20 MW, find the reserve capacity over and above the peak load.
1. 28 MW
2. 14 MW
3.. 8 MW ✔️
4. 6 MW

Q.15 For a synchronous generator supplying a balanced 3-phase load, the armature reaction flux is ___________ in magnitude and rotates at ____________ speed.
1. Variable, Sub-synchronous
2. Variable, Super-synchronous
3. Constant, Sub-synchronous
4.. Constant, Synchronous ✔️

Q.16 In a signal flow graph, _________ is the gain along any path from the input to the output, not passing through any node more than once.
1.. Forward path gain ✔️
2. Closed loop gain
3. Loop gain
4. Feedback gain

Q.17 For a DC motor, gross mechanical power developed by the motor is maximum and the motor is supplied through a 220 V source. What will be back emf?
1. 220 V
2. 27.5 V
3.. 110 V ✔️
4. 55 V

Q.18 Maxwell bridge is used for the measurement of _______ having the Q-factor in the range _____________.
1. Capacitors and inductors, 1 < Q < 100
2. Inductors, 100 < Q < 1000
3.. Inductors, 1 < Q < 10✔️
4. capacitors, 1 < Q < 100


1. Series negative
2. Series positive
3. Shunt negative
4,. Shunt positive✔️




3. ✔️


Q.21 Find the Z-transform of X(n) = (1/2)^n u(-n)


4.✔️   X(Z) = 1/(1-2Z)

Q.22 Output voltage wave shape of a basic series inverter is
1.. Discontinuous sinewave✔️
2. Trapezoidal wave
3. Square wave
4. Continuous sinewave

Q.23 Electrostatic type instruments are primarily used as ____________.
1. Wattmeters
2,. Voltmeters✔️
3. Ohmmeter
4. Ammeters




Q.25 Exponential signal is an example of ________________ signal.
1. Random and non-periodic
2. Random and periodic
3. Deterministic and periodic
4.. Deterministic and non-periodic✔️

Q.26 A 220 V DC shunt motor runs at 630 rpm when the armature current is 50 A. Find the speed if the torque is doubled. Assume armature resistance = 0.2 Ω.
1.. 630 rpm✔️
2. 157 rpm
3. 600 rpm
4. 315 rpm

Q.27 In a coal based thermal power plant, electrostatic precipitator is required for:
1.. Ash handling✔️
2. Coal firing
3. Coal preparation
4. Coal handling

Q.28 For a transitor , collector current is 100 times the base current . find bita dc
1. 10
2. 90
3.. 100✔️
4. 50

Q.29 In DC motor, the difference between armature torque and shaft torque is called _____________ and is due to _________________.
1. Lost torque, copper losses
2. Breakaway torque, friction losses
3.. Lost torque, iron and friction losses✔️
4. Breakaway torque, copper losses

Q.30 Which of the following is not a deterministic signal?
1. Cosine wave
2. Sine wave
3. Exponential wave
4.. Noise✔️

1. D
2. C
3. CD
4.. B✔️

Q.32 A properly shunted centre zero galvanometer is connected in the rotor circuit of a 6-pole, 50 Hz wound rotor induction motor. If the galvanometer makes 90 complete oscillations in one minute, calculate the rotor speed.
1.. 970 rpm✔️
2. 1000 rpm
3. 1470 rpm
4. 1030 rpm

1. 8 W
2.. 5 W✔️
3. 10 W
4. 4 W

1. 16.75 Ω
2. 1.60 Ω
3.. 3.25 Ω✔️
4. 1.90 Ω

Q.35 Which of the Following is NOT a characteristic of PMMC instruments?
1. Used for DC measurements only
2. No hysteresis loss
3. High accuracy
4.. Non-uniform scale✔️

Q.36 As per force-voltage analogy, mass and viscous friction in mechanical translational system are analogous to _________ and _____________in electrical system, respectively.
1.. Inductance, resistance✔️
2. Resistance, capacitance
3. Capacitance, inductance
4. Inductance, capacitance

Q.37 Which of the following is an example of static system?

2. ✔️

Q.38 Which of the following is not an example of Vector quantity?
1. Magnetic field intensity
2. Acceleration
3.. Mass✔️
4. Electric field intensity

Q.39 Which of the following device does not belong to thyristor family?
1. RCT
2. GTO
3.. UJT✔️

Q.40 In which of the following commutation technique, the triggering of one SCR commutates the already conducting SCR and vice versa?
1. Class D commutation
2. Class E commutation
3. Class A commutation
4.. Class C commutation✔️

Q.41 With the help of _____________ the surface integral can be converted into a volume integral.
1.. Divergence theorem✔️
2. Gauss’s law
3. Maxwell’s theorem
4. Coulomb’s law

Q.42 Which of the following equation is sometimes referred to as the Ohm’s law of magnetic circuit?

Q.43 Two quadrant type B chopper operates in:
3. ✔️

Q.44 A power amplifier supplies 50 W to an 8 Ω speaker. Find ac output voltage and ac output current.
1.. 20 V, 2.5 A✔️
2. 12.5 V, 4 A
3. 25 V, 2 A
4. 50 V, 1 A

Q.45 In case of scaling of vector , let alpha be the scalar with which the vector is multiplied
1. Magnitude becomes zero and direction of the vector reverses
2. Magnitude changes and direction of the vector remains same
3. Magnitude and direction of the vector, both remain same
4.. Magnitude remains same and direction of the vector reverses✔️

Q.46 Identify the non-renewable source of energy among the given option.
1. Solar energy
2. Geothermal energy
3. Biomass energy
4.. Nuclear energy ✔️

Q.47 Which of the following system is linear?
3. ✔️

Q.48 In a hollow tube, if the velocity of air is constant everywhere inside the tube then the divergence of the velocity field is ___________.
1.. Zero ✔️
2. Negative
3. Infinite

Q.49 In the cathode ray tube, distance of ________ is minimum from the phosphor screen.
1. Grid
2.. X- Plates ✔️
3. Cathode
4. Y-plates

Q.50 With reference to wave windings used for DC generator, state whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE.1. Wave winding is used for high current, low voltage machines2. The efficiency of wave winding is higher as compared to lap winding
2.. FALSE, TRUE ✔️

Q.51 In 8085 microprocessor, when the PUSH instruction is executed the stack pointer register is _____________ and when the POP instruction is executed the stack pointer is ______________, respectively.
1.. Decremented by two, incremented by two ✔️
2. Decremented by one, incremented by one
3. Incremented by two, decremented by two
4. Incremented by one, decremented by one

Q.52 The resultant transient voltage which appears across the breaker contacts at the instant of arc extinction is known as the __________.
1. Source voltage
2.. Restriking voltage ✔️
3. Recovery voltage
4. Active recovery voltage

Q.53 An alternator has a per unit impedance of 0.9 p.u. to a base of 20 MVA, 33 kV, Then the p.u. impedance to the base of 60 MVA and 11 kV will be _____________.
1.. 24.3 ✔️
2. 8.1
3. 32.4
4. 16.2

Q.54 A 2kΩ resistor is connected across a 10 V battery. Calculate the power consumed by the resistor.
1. 5 mW
2.. 50 mW ✔️
3. 5.0 W
4. 0.5 W

Q.55 Which of the following is NOT a VALID advantage of shell type transformer over core type transformer?
1. Copper requirement is less
2. Losses are less
3. Mechanical strength is high
4.. Maintenance is easy ✔️


1. 12 Ω
2. 28 Ω✔️
3. 16 Ω
4. 4 Ω

1. 0.5
2. 0.6
3. 0.8✔️
4. 0.4

1. 50 kΩ
2. 250 kΩ
3. 500 kΩ✔️
4. 25 kΩ

2. ✔️

Q.60 Which of the following method of tariff was proposed by John Hopkinson?
1. Block meter rate
2.. Two part tariff ✔️
3. Three part tariff
4. Flat demand rate

Q.61 For series connected SCRs, static equalization is obtained with the help of _____________.
1. Resistors and capacitors
2. Resistors, capacitors and diodes
3. Capacitors only
4.. Resistors only ✔️

Q.62 Which of the following operation of the discrete time system is NOT memoryless?
1.. Unit delay ✔️
2. Signal multiplier
3. Constant multiplier
4. Adder

Q.63 The critical point (-1, j0) is mapped to ________ on the Nichols chart.
1. (1 dB, 180°)
2. (1 dB, 0°)
3.. (0 dB, - 180°) ✔️
4. (0 dB, 0°)

Q.64 Two equal resistors of 10 Ω each are connected in series with a 20 V dc supply. Find the current through each resistor.
1. 4 A
2. 8 A
3.. 1 A ✔️
4. 2 A

Q.65 While incorporating lead-compensation network, the gain factor of the amplifier is given as _____________.
1. α
2. α^2
3. 1/α ✔️
4. 1/α^2

Q.66 Dual of Norton's theorem is __________.
1. Millman's theorem
2,. Thevenin's theorem ✔️
3. Maximum power transfer theorem
4. Superposition theorem

Q.67 Which of the following system is an example of closed loop control system?
1. TV remote control
2.. Voltage stabilizer ✔️
3. Traffic light control system
4. Bread toaster

Q.68 A continuous time signal is said to be periodic if X(t)=x(t+T0) . Find T0 is called
1. Dummy period
2.. Fundamental period ✔️
3. Sampling period
4. Starting period

Q.69 Which of the following characteristic is not desirable in measuring instrument?
1. Linearity
2. Repeatability
3.. Drift ✔️
4. Accuracy

Q.70 The directional element in the reactance relay is so designed that its maximum torque angle is ________.
1. 60°
2.. 90° ✔️
3. 0°
4. 120°

Q.71 Calculate the resolution of a 3-digit 0 – 1 V digital voltmeter.
1. 0.0001
2. 0.01
3. 0.1
4.. 0.001 ✔️

Q.72 Which of the following circuit is used to obtain pulse gate triggering?
1. Resistance-capacitance triggering circuit
2.. UJT based relaxation oscillator circuit ✔️
3. Resistive triggering circuit
4. Diac-Triac circuit

1. 6 Ω
2. 4 Ω ✔️
3. 14 Ω
4. 12 Ω

Q.74 A 3-phase 4 pole induction motor is supplied from a 50 Hz source. Find the rotor frequency when the rotor runs at 600 rpm.
1.. 30 Hz ✔️
2. 25 Hz
3. 50 Hz
4. 20 Hz

Q.75 With reference to fault analysis, L-L fault is ____________ fault and the L-L-L-G fault is _________ fault.
1. Symmetrical, Symmetrical
2. Symmetrical, Unsymmetrical
3. Unsymmetrical, Unsymmetrical
4.. Unsymmetrical, Symmetrical ✔️

Q.76 Which of the following is not a VALID advantage of digital filters over analog filters?
1. Less maintenance
2. Higher flexibility
3.. Higher bandwidth ✔️
4. Linear phase response

Q.77 In a 3-core cable there are _______ capacitances formed.
1. 9
2. 3
3.. 6 ✔️
4. 4

Q.78 A conventional oscilloscope has a bandwidth of 100 MHz. The rise of the CRO is approximately _______________.
1. 350 ns
2.. 3.5 ns ✔️
3. 35 ns
4. 0.35 ns

Q.79 A single phase half bridge inverter has a supply voltage of 100 V dc and a resistive load of 4 Ω. What will be the RMS output voltage?
1. 70.71 V
2. 90 V
3. 45 V
4.. 50 V ✔️

Q.80 Which of the following device is bidirectional?
1. SCS
2. PUT
3. SUS
4,. DIAC ✔️

Q.81 In wire-wound standard resistor, the bifilar winding is adopted to reduce ______________.
1. Stray capacitance
2. Skin effect
3. Aging effect
4.. Self-inductive effect ✔️

Q.82 In a magnetic circuit, the ratio of flux to m.m.f represents _________.
1. Reluctance
2.. Permeance ✔️
3. Resistance
4. Reactance

Q.83 A single phase half wave controlled rectifier is supplied through a 230 V, 50 Hz supply. What will be the maximum output voltage possible?

Q.84 The ___________ states that. "the lines integral of magnetic field intensity (H rearing) around a closed path is exactly is equal to the direct current enclosed by the path
1. Biot-Savart law
2. Poisson’s law
3. Gauss’s law
4. Ampere’s circuital law ✔️

1. 3.6 W ✔️
2. 1.8 W
3. 2.7 W
4. 5.4 W

Also Read - electrical engineer previous year question of ISRO

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