Electrical Engineering Questions MCQ Questions
Q1. A Meter has a full scale deflection of 90" at a current of 1A. The response of the meter is square law. Assuming spring control, the current for a deflection at 45" will be
- (A) 0.25
- (B) 0.50
- (C) 0.707
- (D) 0.67
Q2. A Single-phase Energy meter is operating on 230V, 50 Hz supply with a load of 20A for two hours at UPF. The meter makes 1380 revolutions in that period. The meter constant
- (A) 695 rev/kWh
- (B) 150 rev/kWh
- (C) 0.15 rev/kWh
- (D) 1/150 rev/kWh
Q3. In case of power measurements by two wattmeter method in a balanced 3-phase system
With pure inductive load
- A) both wattmeters will indicates the same
- (B) both wattmeters will indicate zero value but with opposite signs
- (C)both the wattmeters will indicate the same value same sign
- (D) one wattmeter will indicate zero and the other will indicate some non-Zero value
Q4. It is required to measure temperature in the range of 1300°C to 1500⁰C. The most suitable thermocouple to be used as transducer would be
- (A)Chromel constantan
- (B)lron-constantan
- (C)Chromel - alumel
- (D) Platinum-rhodiumn
Q5. Which dc motor will have highest percentage increase in input current for given percentage increase in torque
- (A) Series motor
- (B) shunt motor
- (C) cumulatively compound motor
- (D) separately excited motor
Q6. In a three phase delta transfomer, one phase burns up. The transformer will supply
- (A) 57.7% of its rating
- (B) zero output
- (C) 63% of its output rating
- (D) at full output rating
Q7. In an auto transtformer, power is transferred through
- (A) conduction process alone
- (B) induction process alone
- (C) both conduction and induction
- (D) mutual coupling processes
Q8. Buchholz relay is a
- (A) voltage sensitive device
- (B) current sensitive device
- (C) frequency sensitive device
- (D) gas actuated device
Q9. In Scott connection, if the ratio of the main transformer is k, then the teaser transformner has transformation ratio of
- (A) 2k/N3
- (B) 3k /2
- (C)K/N3
- (D) K/2
Q10. With core type transformers, the limbs are stepped so as to
- (A) reduce the iron material and therefore iron loss
- (B) provide better cooling
- (C) reduce the conductor material and therefore I²R loss
- (D) providee more mechanical strength to the core
Q11. In alternator, during hunting when the speed becomes super synchronous, the damper bars develop
- (A) reluctance torque
- (B) pseudo-stationary torque
- (C) eddy current torque
- (D) induction generator torque
Q12. It is never advisable to connect a stationary alternator to live bus-bar because it
- (A) is likely to run as a synchronous motor
- (B)will get short circuited
- (C) will decrease bus-bar voltage though momentarily
- (D) will disturbs generated emfs of other alternators connected in parallel
Q13. Under no load condition, the angle between the induced voltage and the supply voltage in synchronous motor is
- (A) zero degree
- (B) 45⁰
- (C) 90⁰
- (D) 180⁰
Q14. Synchronous motors are not self starting because
- (A) Stator not used
- (B) Starting winding not provided
- (C) There is no slip
- (D) The direction of instantaneous torque on the rotor reverses after half cycle
Q15. A three phase induction motor running at 1440 rpm on rated supply will run at the following rpm when fuse of one phase gets burnt
- A) 1440
- B) 1380
- (C) 1500
- (D) zero
Q16. Dispersion coefficient a is the ratio of
- (A) magnetizing current to supply voltage
- (B) open circuit voltage to short circuit current for the same excitement
- (D) short circuit current to magnetizing
- (C) magnetizing current to ideal short Circuit current
Q17. In the circle diagram for a 3-phase induction motor, the diameter of the circle is determined by
- (A) total stator current
- (B) exciting current
- (C) rotor current
- (D) rotor current referred to stator
Q18. While conducting short-circuit test on a transformer the following side is short circuited
- A) High voltage side
- (B) low voltage side
- (C) primary side
- (D) secondary side
Q19. Thrust developed by a linear induction motor dependsson
- (A) synchronous speed
- (B) rotor input
- (C) rotor input and synchronous speed
- (D) number of poles
Q20. The crawling in an induction motor is caused by
- (A) improper design of machine
- (B) low voltage supply
- (C) high loads
- (D) harmonics developed in the motor
Q21. The main disadvantages of using short pitch winding in alternators is that it
- (A) reduces harmonics in the generated
- (B) reduces the total voltage around the voltage armature coils
- (C) produces asymmetry in the three phase windings
- (D) Increases Cu of end connections.
Q22. Armature reaction in an alternator mainly affects
- (A) rotor speed
- (B) terminal voltage per phase
- (C) frequency of Armature current
- (D) Generated voltage per phase