What is life || what is life process
life process
is the process of taking food and utilize in various biological Activity.
The inorganic or organic substance which an
organism obtain from it surrounding for the biosynthetic of it body
construction like issue and organs are called ‘Nutrient’.
· Living things are complaint organization of
molecules which perform certain life process that distinguish then form
non-living things.
· Para-meters for the basic differences between living and
non-living things are
(1) Organisation
(2) Metabolism (catabolism & Anabolism)
(3) Growth
(4) Adaptability
(5) Irritability
(6) Locomotion
(7) Reproduction
What is life?
Life is
based on a self- regulated compiler system of molecules is a cell. These
molecules undergo continuous chemical reaction and cause, maintenance , grow ,
responsible , and reproduction .combination of certain large molecules such as
proteins , fat, carbohydrates , nucleic acids are unique in our life .such
combination of common elements provide dynamic system of coordinates chemical
or physical activities that differentiated living famous non living forms
What is life process?
Life processes are those process which keep the living
organisms alive , and perform the job of body maintenance and repairmen.